VDL-5 Technologies, Inc. was founded in 2008 by five partners who had worked together developing Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) for the Department of Defense (DoD). Using their technical and business skills and good relationships with customers they found the company with a focus on technical documentation. The first projects were a success at developing and integrating XML tagged content with software on diesel vehicles for the Army.
The company expanded their services to include development of paper based technical manuals (ETMs), conversion of PDFs and paper into XML content and Instructor Led Training (ILT) and Computer Based Training (CBT) for DoD equipment. The faces have changed but the values of quality products for the military are still a core part of the business.
The name VDL-5 Technologies was created from a nickname and the five original partners. The VDL stands for VooDoo Lounge, the nickname of the original office the partners worked at. There was a reputation of performing magic when integrating technical documentation with software viewers so the nickname of VooDoo Lounge, the place where magic occurred, was adopted. There were originally five partners who were very comfortable with technology so the name was created for the company. the five original partners and the technology used to create the different types of content. When creating a logo, a phoenix was chosen to represent how the people at VDL-5 adapt to change no matter the circumstances.
In 2022 another change occurred when another found was planning to retire, leaving only two partners with the business. Continuing to adapt to a changing world, the partners chose to sell VDL-5 Technologies to Trident Development Corporation to better prepare the company for the future. The resulting mix of companies, with old and new, is proving to be a good combination that will enable VDL-5 to operate for many more years.
While changes are occurring, the core values of quality and practical products for the soldier remain. And VDL-5 is still a place where magic occurs as we continue to integrate technical manuals with software tools for the soldier.